Digging in NY 2: Vintage Art Deco Furnitures
From Brooklyn NY🇺🇸 SOLAKZADE最年少のヤマモトナオトが一人でNYで仕入れ中です。
I'm the youngest crew from Solakzade. This is the first time buying trip abroad for me.
尖ってるけどザラついてる、そんな家具を掘りに、マーケットにも足を運んでます。 でもヨーロッパと違いNYにはかなり少ないようなので厳選して掘り出し物をピックしてます。 今月末にSolakzade1階で販売予定です。
Cutting edge and gorgeous but rough textured.. I'm here to dig dead stock optical frames at warehouses and also vintage used furnitures like that at flea market.
真鍮のゴールド、エナメルのグリーン、大理石のステム。そして涙のような黒い線を一本一本落とした60年代パリのアヴァンギャルドな狂気の空気が漂うシェイド。ゴージャス。 In 1940s to 50s, the East Coast of America was the center of the world. That was in every way; economically, politically and culturally. But after middle 1960s, the center of the world moved to the West Coast and Europe after the antiwar movement toward the US started to get bigger. Here is the bedside lighting which reflects the atmosphere of Paris in late 1960s. Brass gold, enamel green, stem in marble. And the shade has hand-painted like lines reminding of tears in black. Quiet but insane.. 1970s Vintage Marble & Brass Shade Lamp
In late 1960s to 1970s, Art Deco style (originally in 1920s to 1930s) got popular again.
Spherical body in chrome silver gives futuristic and spacey feelings. But the shade in light grey texture with fragile pattern with straight lines make this whole image low contrast like a Nouvelle Vague movie. 1960s Vintage Space Chrome Shade Lamp