SPECIAL PIECE from NY: Antique Eyeglasses
Naoto picked up this super amazing museum piece from NY trip last month! 1850s US Antique Octagon Sliding Temple 9K (Tested) Solid Gold
No fragile. So stable and in mint condition.
1850年代製 9金無垢 8角形 スライドテンプル リーディング
The frame has original flat glass lenses but I would recommend new flat glass lenses should be installed.
We can do eye test for you at our store every day.
Like Naoto in the pic above, you can wear the frame at a lower position on your nose.
So you can see the distance with your naked eyes, and just reading through the lenses.
SOLAKZADE 〒150-0001 東京都渋谷区神宮前4-29-4 Goro’s Bldg 1F/B1F 03-3478-3345 info@solakzade.com
1F/B1F Goro’s Bldg 4-29-4 Jingumae Shibuya-Ku TOKYO 150-0001 JAPAN +81-3-3478-3345 info@solakzade.com