Our collection / by solakzade

1950s vintage "Shuron" Brow Combination of Aluminium & 1/10 12 Karat Yellow Gold Filled with Changeable Dark-Gray Lenses

1950s Vintage "American Optical" Pilot Frame with Tintomatic Dark-Gray Lenses

1920s Antique "May" 14 Karat Solid White Gold


SOLAKZADE 〒150-0001 東京都渋谷区神宮前4-29-4 Goro’s Bldg 1F/B1F 03-3478-3345 info@solakzade.com

1F/B1F Goro’s Bldg 4-29-4 Jingumae Shibuya-Ku TOKYO 150-0001 JAPAN +81-3-3478-3345 info@solakzade.com